Trine Ellitsgaard at her studio in Oaxaca, México.
Contemporary textile artist, Trine Ellitsgaard, grew up in Denmark, and it was there she was trained as a weaver, but for the last twenty years she has lived in Oaxaca, Mexico. It is more than an interesting side note that Trine still weaves on the loom she imported from Copenhagen when she first arrived in Mexico. Looking at her textiles, what is most striking is not the overtly visible influence of Oaxacan craft, but its apparent absence. However, the influence is there. Underneath the deceptive simplicity and harmony of her designs, the clash and combi- nation of materials, textures, colors and shapes reveal that Trine’s work takes hold of all that she has observed in Mexico, but the Scandinavian in her reconstitutes it into new patterns. Out of the meeting of these two cultures emerges a new way of seeing both.